Updated: July 2023
The Wharf is a Members Only wharf, supported by donations from our GWA membership and the activities of volunteers that make up the GWA Board, member volunteers, and paid-for local services. Our necessary insurance reflects the need to be aware of safety and anyone’s use of the wharf, hence it being “members only”.
This page presents the GWA’s Response Guidelines to wharf use situations that seem out of control. It does not apply to an individual, a family, or a small group of (2-4) friends who are not causing a disturbance. Please do not make these polite and small groups of visitors feel unwelcome, even if they may not be members of the Granthams community.
What does “out ouf control” wharf use look like? Sometimes we experience groups of non-GWA-members that can crowd out our own community members on the floats during the summer season. These may even by accompanied by loud music, rough-housing, lack of social distancing, profanity, and disrespect towards members who try to address the situation. This issue is not unique to our wharf – similar rowdy groups have been reported at other areas on the coast and adjacent islands.
Community and Wharf Association members can refer to the GWA’s Response Guidelines to this situation that seems out of control. Again, it does not apply to an individual, a family, or a small group of (2-4) friends who are not causing a disturbance.
Please feel free to comment or provide additional suggestions by email to granthamswharf@gmail.com
Call one or more of the Wharf Watch team members below when there is a problem with unwanted visitors, if you are not comfortable addressing them yourself.
One or more available Wharf Watch team members will come down to the wharf immediately and address the unwanted visitors using the outline below.
Please make note of the contact info below and have it with you when on the wharf (e.g. bookmark this web page on your mobile).
- Bruno Huber – 604-329-7689
- Tony Bonnici – 778-840-7754
- You ??? – please volunteer if you are able and willing (and confident in addressing large groups of rowdy people) by:
- email to granthamswharf@gmail.com
- phone call to any current member above
Guideline for individual GWA members (if comfortable) and for Wharf Watch members in particular, for addressing uninvited groups :
- Address the group in a friendly but firm manner
- introduce yourself as a member of the “Granthams Wharf Association”
- or as a member of the “Granthams Wharf Watch” if applicable
- Ask for individual proof of GWA membership
- visitor to give their name & address
- Wharf Watch can call up GWA member list on their mobile as reference: https://granthams-wharf.org/current-gwa-members
- Tell the group: you must leave this wharf now, for two reasons:
- this is a MEMBERS ONLY space
- due to COVID restrictions, only small groups (up to 6 people) are allowed on the wharf
- If the group refuses to leave, tell them you are calling the RCMP: 604-885-2266
- see info from RCMP ADVICE below
- take photos of the group if you are comfortable doing so
- As they leave, thank the group and remind them “not to come back”
Summary of detailed discussion on 5 Aug 2020 between a GWA Board member and the Gibsons RCMP commander re our current wharf situation:
- Access of the Granthams wharf by non-members without invitation from a GWA member can be considered “mischief” under the criminal code and even “trespassing”
- This does not apply if a GWA member is part of the group
- In this case, the GWA board will contact that member’s household to deal with the problem internally
- OK to call the RCMP office line (604-885-2266) for help.
- However, resources are particularly stretched at this time and we may have to hold on the phone and may not get immediate response.
- But calling the police is definitely not an “empty” threat.
- Just the same, let’s first address the group and try to reason with them, using the outline above, before calling the police.
- We should call 911 if the situation escalates to the point where personal injury or property damage may occur
- Granthams Wharf is being added to the RCMP patrol list for both road and marine units (especially on afternoons and weekends)
- So don’t be alarmed if you see a police car or boat at the wharf :o)
- On 4 Aug 2020, two more MEMBERS ONLY signs were installed, including:
- A large sign that is now attached to the far side of the dolphin (group of pilings beyond the floats) to discourage non-member boaters from using the wharf.
- Another sign was moved to a more prominent position.
The board and GWA members have considered and discussed the idea of installing a locked gate as a solution to limit unwanted visitors, especially large groups. See the website page notes about Wharf Access. In the meantime, we will continue to monitor the situation at the wharf, and stay open to input from GWA Members.
Preliminary Ideas
– locked gate at the entrance to the wharf, just off the concrete patio at the bottom of the stairs
– infill barriers would be installed adjacent to the gate to prevent people from climbing around it
– gate would be unlocked with a 4 or 5-digit code (no keys or cards required)
– the code would be changed regularly and distributed to members via the GWA email list
– unauthorized visitors can just swim to the floats directly
– at low tide, unauthorized visitors can just walk to the floats
– determined individuals can often climb around the gate
– codes can be shared carelessly, but the code can be changed regularly (which causes its own problems)
– an inconvenience for paying members
– cost (early estimates approximately $5-8k)
– limit number of unauthorized visitors to the wharf
– clarifies the private nature of the wharf, since someone who circumvents a locked gate is clearly trespassing
– may also help limit GWA liability in an accident situation
– possibly use to encourage payment of annual membership donation
– e.g. code provided only to households who have paid dues for previous or current year