2014-11-22 Winter Social: Potluck, Bingo, & Farewell Party


“…a truly enjoyable evening with great people from an amazing community!” was just one of the comments received about the GWA Winter Social. An amazing turn-out with tons of delicious food and lots of great people, including the guests of honour: Clay, Lori, and Eli Walsh, who have contributed so much in keeping our wharf (and our community) afloat over the past 20 years. We bid them farewell and wished them the best in their new home in Sechelt. The evening also featured live music from the Blue Line Trio/Duo, featuring our own Chris Jordan-Knox, and a few games of Bingo for added excitement and some GWA fund-raising. Thanks to Jack for volunteering as our caller, and to all who participated.

Check out the photos below… a picture is worth a thousand words and many of these photos reflect the happiness and togetherness enjoyed by all. 


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…and more…


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Please send any comments to granthamswharf@gmail.com and, once reviewed, they will be posted below.


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