Updated: 11 May 2021
Please see the Watercraft Inventory page for a listing of the canoes, kayaks, surfboards, paddle boards, tenders, and small inflatables currently stored down by the wharf.
Boats owned by GWA members may temporarily tie up to the south (Gibsons) side of the floats, ideally for an hour or less, and definitely not overnight. Only one or two boats can be accommodated at the same time, so boaters are asked to please be considerate of any other GWA boat owners waiting to tie up.
As always, boats are completely prohibited from using the north (Langdale) side of the floats, which is reserved for swimmers.
Please remember that the side boards on the floats were removed due to moisture retention and bug infestation. Fenders should be in place on boats using the floats to avoid the exposed bolt heads and other hardware.
The GWA offers on-shore (“Boat Rack”) and on-water (“Dinghy Dock”) storage spaces for a limited number of small watercraft owned and used by GWA members (kayaks, paddleboards, windsurfers, canoes, tenders, small inflatables <10′, etc.). Here are the details:
- Each of the 18 spaces on the Boat Rack is numbered and assigned.
- The Hillside serves as the overflow area to the Boat Rack, and watercraft stored on the Hillside are subject to the same policy and fee.
- The 8 spaces on the Dinghy Dock are assigned to registered watercraft, but specific spaces are not reserved. Please cooperate!
- Motorized dinghies are restricted to the south (Gibsons) side of the float (to avoid swimmers on the swimming side).
- The GWA keeps a photo inventory of all registered watercraft (on the Watercraft Inventory page) along with assigned space, owner’s name, and payment status.
- If you want to register a new watercraft, please send a photo of it to granthamswharf@gmail.com
- Please pay for your space on the Boat Rack or Dinghy Dock by April 30 each year, or please remove your watercraft from the wharf site. Each space is $50/year, plus the annual $50 GWA membership donation must be paid for the same year.
- Spaces will be assigned on a “first paid, first assigned” basis, i.e. unpaid watercraft (that had a paid space the previous season) may be displaced by a new paid watercraft after April 30 each year.
- You can reserve your space in advance if you like (e.g. pay now for the next two or three years).
- Watercraft that have not been registered will be moved to the top of the hillside in May each year.
- All unclaimed watercraft will be auctioned off at Grantham’s Day (mid July) and funds used to maintain the wharf.
- If a wait list (shown on the Watercraft Inventory page) exists at the beginning of the season, each household will be limited to one space in order to accommodate as many households as possible. Likewise, watercraft on the hillside take priority over additional boat rack spaces assigned to a single household.
For optional launching from patio – you can always launch from the steep (& broken) concrete steps and ramp if preferred… but do so at you own risk !
- Slide the two boards (as shown in photos below) out of their mounting brackets
- Lay the boards down on cement patio to prevent damage to your watercraft
- Pass your watercraft thru the space
- Replace the boards immediately to prevent kids from falling over the edge onto the rocks!

Please see the Buoys page.