Saturday, August 12, 2023 !
Please join us for the annual Granthams Day BBQ and Community Jump.
All Granthamites and friends and family are welcome. Invite your neighbours!
We need volunteers to help us pull together our great community day event. Please see the notes below, and let us know if you can help.

See the website’s History page for pictures from this and past year’s events.
- Saturday, Aug 12
- 10:30 – (Volunteers needed) Work Party: setup tables, umbrellas/canopy/electric and prep BBQs
- 12:00 noon – Welcome
- 12:15 – Community JUMP – wear your swimsuit and join your neighbours for a quick dip into the sea
- 12:30 – BBQ and potluck and visiting
- 1:45 – Introductions of GWA board, officers and new residents
- 2:00 – clean-up and take-down and more visiting
- Gourmet Beef or Veggie Burger – $5.00 each – proceeds to the wharf – no need to pre-order burgers
- Lemonade/Punch and Cake will be provided by the GWA and some volunteers, while everything else is provided by our community. We had great salads and desserts last summer!
- Salad or finger food to share, including serving utensils – we have cake for dessert but you can also bring a dessert if you wish :o)
- Your own plates, cutlery, cups or glasses for your personal use (lets avoid disposable plastics)
- Your own drinking water, especially if it’s sunny and hot (only lemonade will be provided)
- Cash, cheque or mobile e-transfer to for:
- Burgers
- 2023 membership donations + watercraft fees if outstanding – check our Member Roster if unsure. (If you see an error in the roster, please email us
- Granthams Wharf cards and prints for sale.
Our community thrives because of volunteers! Please reply to the event news email sent to members, or directly email
- Help with Set-Up the morning of the event, 10:30a at the wharf / wharf parking lot
- BBQ’s and propane tanks/ grill tools – 2 stations donated, thanks again, Hans H and Lorelei P!
- BBQers – thanks again, Bruno H and Adrian Y! It would help to have 1-2 more people for rotation
- Tables – we still need 1 more long table for food; thanks Hans H and Tony B for 2 long tables and Cheryl M for 1 card table!
- Umbrellas and Canopy – we still need 2 more large umbrellas OR a large fold-out canopy for the food tables; Gaby and Alan T have offered 1 patio unmbrella – thanks!
- Garbage Cans with Bags; 1 from Ann O, and 2 from Brian and Ann M – thanks again!
- Large Recycling Bins – still could use 1-2 of these
- Long 150’ Extension Cord; thanks Brian and Ann M (as always)!
- Lemonade or Punch; GWA & Pat H – thanks, Pat H (again)!
- Big Cake; GWA & Mary – thanks, Mary B (last year’s was delish)!
- Photographer – anyone and everyone to capture the Community Jump and other photos, and share your photos with us!
Thanks to all those who have already volunteered – much appreciated !