Float Replacement procedure
Complete In late April or early May each spring.
1. Check Tides
- for a LOW or MEDIUM TIDE up to 8′ (or even 10′) – to put floats on beach at Harbour
- during weekday work hours for truck
- no volunteer work party required
- followed by a HIGH, minimum of 12′ (or 14′) – to tow floats off beach and enable easy ramp install
- daytime, include evenings and weekends if needed
- volunteer work party required
- Example: generated on April 18, 2022 for the following four weeks (fixed) and found the most ideal times on April 21/22 and May 5/6 (see image and URL below)

Updated Site URL = https://www.tide-forecast.com/locations/Gibsons-British-Columbia/tides/latest
(can only view next week or next four weeks – as above – no further flexibility for dates)
2. Arrange Hauling: Elphinstone –> Gibsons Harbour
- At LOW Tide (start 30 min before), weekday work hours
- Call/Txt Lonnie Allen: 604-740-1012
- Example Text sent this morning (waiting to hear back):
- Hi Lonnie. Tony here. Would you be available to haul our floats and ramp back to the Harbour on Monday May 6. About 1pm. Low tide at 1:30. We will arrange to unlock pillar on Headlands. Thanks.
- Hi Lonnie. Tony here. Would you be available to haul our floats and ramp back to the Harbour on Monday May 6. About 1pm. Low tide at 1:30. We will arrange to unlock pillar on Headlands. Thanks.
3. Arrange Towing: Gibsons Harbour –> Wharf
- AT HIGH Tide, weekday work hours preferred but may be available otherwise (in daylight)
- Once Lonnie is confirmed, Call/Txt Erik Hammond: 604-741-5493
- In future, we could look at GWA member with an adequate boat to tow the floats instead for greater flexibility and lower cost?
4. Organize Work Party
- Promote Float Replacement event via GWA email list
- see previous emails for content
- Provide day and time (around same time as Eric’s float pickup time)
- Need 5 or 6 able-bodied people
- Purchasing come-a-long from Eric to help with ramp for spring 2019
5. Arrange Access to Harbour
- Check pillar at end of Headlands Rd to see if it is unlocked
- If locked, call Town of Gibsons (Engineering Dept) – 604- 886-2274 or 2210
- Backup: Wendy (Parks Dept) – 604-886-8587
- She will unlock at specified time or lend us the key
6. Project Lead
- make arrangements above
- meet Lonnie at Elphinstone Park
- meet Erik at Harbour
- get supplies down to dock: shackles, locks/keys, tools, come-a-long
- lead work party – need firm clear leadership to avoid confusion and accidents
AB 7 May 2022