Annual Membership Donation (per household):
- Base = $50
- Double = $100
- Homerun = $150
- Additional fee for small watercraft storage = $50 (see Watercraft page)
To Donate – for new and existing members – please use one of the following methods:
Please include: your name and payment purpose: membership donation, watercraft fee, or both
- Etransfer – send online banking electronic transfer to:
- this email address is set for Auto-Deposit so a security question is not required
- the former “member-dues” email has been retired, so please do not use it
- Cheque – make cheque payable to “GWA” or use cash…
- mail to: Ann Oosterhuis, GWA Treasurer, 810 Marine Drive, Gibsons BC V0N 1V1
- or drop off in the little red mailbox at the Wharf
- Credit Card ** NEW **
- A receipt will be emailed to you (check your Junk/Spam folder)
Please note:
- To join the GWA Community… please complete the membership form on the Members > Join page, and then DONATE member dues to support the wharf and community events (like Granthams Day).
- To check if you are already member, see the Members > ROSTER page.
- Confirmation of donations are provided as follows by the GWA:
- Membership dues received will be indicated on the Members > ROSTER page of this website
- Watercraft storage payments will be indicated with a “+W” on the same page, with details on the Watercraft > Inventory page
- We may be a bit slow to reflect the payment on the website. If you don’t see you donation recorded on the website within 1 month, please email the GWA at to request confirmation.
- Income tax receipts will be provided by email in February of the following year.
- Membership dues and other donations are tax deductible, but Watercraft fees – and other purchases (e.g. Granthams Cards, T-shirts) in which a service or product is provided – are not.
- All funds received are used exclusively for materials, wharf services and insurance. Everyone affiliated with the GWA is a volunteer.
Updated: 15 Dec 2024