Updated: 16 Dec 2024
BOARD CONTACT INFO – listed by seniority
Name |
Position |
Phone |
Email |
Tony Bonnici |
President |
778-840-7754 | |
Ann Oosterhuis |
Director |
604-886-2383 | |
Katherine Hedberg |
Vice President |
604-989-5776 | |
Vince Olfert |
Treasurer |
778-891-0093 | |
General Duties
- Be members of the GWA with membership donations up-to-date.
- Understand and support the GWA Constitution and Bylaws.
- Attend board meetings and participate in decision making.
- Monitor GWA activities to ensure they are consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws.
- Ensure prudent use of the Association’s finances through planning and oversight.
- Provide oversight to ensure the Association is in compliance with all legal and fiduciary requirements.
- Develop and support guiding strategies for fulfilling the Association’s purpose.
- Commit to honour the directives of the Board and its decisions rather than acting on one’s own accord.
- Recruit and train new board members and key operational volunteers.
President |
Tony |
Sep 2013 |
- Oversee the overall operation of Board of Directors and the Association
- Call, prepare agendas, and preside at board meetings and Annual General Meeting
- Ensure board and key volunteer positions are filled, and provide training and support as needed
Vice President |
Katherine |
Nov 2023 |
- Assist with the overall operation of Board of Directors and the Association
- Call and conduct board meetings in absence of or request of the President
- Take on one of the Operational Roles if necessary
Treasurer |
Vince |
Dec 2024 |
- Manage and oversee the financial affairs of GWA
- Do the regular bookkeeping for the Association or provide oversight of bookkeeper:
- receive deposits, pay bills, record transactions, reconciles bank accounts
- Pass member donation – esp. cash & cheque – information to Membership lead
- Prepare and distribute Charitable Donation receipts each January as required
- Keep a calendar and complete required essential government filings and renewals payments:
- Annual filing for BC Societies Act
- Submit annual reports and filings to CRA Charitable Directorate
- Renew Directors and Wharf Liability Insurance annually
- Property Tax (~$10/each July)
- Produce and present annual financial reports at AGM and include for 3.a
- At each board meeting, provide a summary report of financial transactions since previous meeting
- Keep key and check red mailbox at least monthly
- Also see Board > Board Orientation > New Treasurer Onboarding
Secretary |
[open] |
- Work with President to schedule and notify board members of upcoming meetings
- Distribute agenda and minutes of previous meeting prior to board meetings
- Keep official minutes of GWA board and general membership meetings
- Keep and track action items from board meetings
- Keep notes on official GWA events
- Assist President and other board members as needed
- Safely store all official documents of the Association
Director |
Ann |
2020 |
- Support and advance the Purpose of the GWA
- Participate in board meetings and provides assistance to other board members when needed
- Assume one or more of the Operational Roles
Director |
Katherine |
Nov 2023 |
- Support and advance the Purpose of the GWA
- Participate in board meetings and provides assistance to other board members when needed
- Assume one or more of the Operational Roles
Activities |
[open] |
- Oversee and lead organization, promotion, and running of activities including Granthams Day and activities at the Annual General Meeting
- Delegate if necessary and support event lead, committee, and volunteers
Communications |
[open] |
- Write and distribute GWA NEWS
- Liaise with external news and public agencies
- Maintain GWA website; pay hosting & domain renewal costs (or delegate, e.g. Membership)
Project Manager |
(Tony) |
- Oversee regular and special construction/ maintenance projects
- Help promote participation in volunteer projects
- Support Project Leads (see table below), teams, and volunteers
- Compile/update procedures and submit for posting on website
Membership |
Tony |
- In conjunction with the Treasurer, track membership dues/donations and payment of watercraft fees
- Manage requests for watercraft storage; organize removal of watercraft if annual fees are not paid
- Submit messages and reminders for GWA News
- Update Members and Watercraft pages on website (or pass info to Communications lead)
- Assist Treasurer to prepare and distribute Charitable Donation receipts each January as required
- In conjunction with Fundraising, conduct membership drive to increase membership and donations
Fundraising |
Katherine |
- Organize or coordinate fundraising projects as needed
- In conjunction with Membership, conduct membership drive to increase membership and donations
Position |
Wharf Float Lead |
(Tony) |
- Oversees maintenance and construction needs of wharf and advises Project Manager and/or GWA Board
- Organize contractors and work parties for:
Wharf Maintenance Lead |
[open] |
- Lead work party in maintenance activities as needed:
- Annual patio and hillside cleanup typically in spring
- Power washing wharf every 3-5 years
Wharf Watch Lead |
(Bruno) |
- Lead work party in maintenance activities as needed:
- annual patio and hillside cleanup
- power washing wharf every 3-5 years
(unofficial leads appear in parenthesis)

- Past President – Bjorn Enga
Email us at: