

Updated: 16 Dec 2024


– listed by seniority

Name Position Phone Email
Tony Bonnici President 778-840-7754
Ann Oosterhuis Director 604-886-2383
Katherine Hedberg Vice President 604-989-5776
Vince Olfert Treasurer 778-891-0093

General Duties

  1. Be members of the GWA with membership donations up-to-date.
  2. Understand and support the GWA Constitution and Bylaws.
  3. Attend board meetings and participate in decision making.
  4. Monitor GWA activities to ensure they are consistent with the Constitution and Bylaws.
  5. Ensure prudent use of the Association’s finances through planning and oversight.
  6. Provide oversight to ensure the Association is in compliance with all legal and fiduciary requirements.
  7. Develop and support guiding strategies for fulfilling the Association’s purpose.
  8. Commit to honour the directives of the Board and its decisions rather than acting on one’s own accord.
  9. Recruit and train new board members and key operational volunteers.


President  Tony Sep 2013
  1. Oversee the overall operation of Board of Directors and the Association
  2. Call, prepare agendas, and preside at board meetings and Annual General Meeting
  3. Ensure board and key volunteer positions are filled, and provide training and support as needed
Vice President  Katherine Nov 2023
  1. Assist with the overall operation of Board of Directors and the Association
  2. Call and conduct board meetings in absence of or request of the President
  3. Take on one of the Operational Roles if necessary
Treasurer Vince Dec 2024
  1. Manage and oversee the financial affairs of GWA
  2. Do the regular bookkeeping for the Association or provide oversight of bookkeeper:
    1. receive deposits, pay bills, record transactions, reconciles bank accounts
    2. Pass member donation – esp. cash & cheque – information to Membership lead
    3. Prepare and distribute Charitable Donation receipts each January as required
  3. Keep a calendar and complete required essential government filings and renewals payments:
    1. Annual filing for BC Societies Act
    2. Submit annual reports and filings to CRA Charitable Directorate
    3. Renew Directors and Wharf Liability Insurance annually
    4. Property Tax (~$10/each July)
  4. Produce and present annual financial reports at AGM and include for 3.a
  5. At each board meeting, provide a summary report of financial transactions since previous meeting
  6. Keep key and check red mailbox at least monthly
  7. Also see Board > Board Orientation > New Treasurer Onboarding
Secretary [open]
  1. Work with President to schedule and notify board members of upcoming meetings
  2. Distribute agenda and minutes of previous meeting prior to board meetings
  3. Keep official minutes of GWA board and general membership meetings
  4. Keep and track action items from board meetings
  5. Keep notes on official GWA events
  6. Assist President and other board members as needed
  7. Safely store all official documents of the Association
Director   Ann 2020
  1. Support and advance the Purpose of the GWA
  2. Participate in board meetings and provides assistance to other board members when needed
  3. Assume one or more of the Operational Roles
Director Katherine Nov 2023
  1. Support and advance the Purpose of the GWA
  2. Participate in board meetings and provides assistance to other board members when needed
  3. Assume one or more of the Operational Roles



Activities [open]
  1. Oversee and lead organization, promotion, and running of activities including Granthams Day and activities at the Annual General Meeting
  2. Delegate if necessary and support event lead, committee, and volunteers
Communications [open]
  1. Write and distribute GWA NEWS
  2. Liaise with external news and public agencies
  3. Maintain GWA website; pay hosting & domain renewal costs (or delegate, e.g. Membership)
Project Manager (Tony)
  1. Oversee regular and special construction/ maintenance projects
  2. Help promote participation in volunteer projects
  3. Support Project Leads (see table below), teams, and volunteers
  4. Compile/update procedures and submit for posting on website
Membership Tony
  1. In conjunction with the Treasurer, track membership dues/donations and payment of watercraft fees
  2. Manage requests for watercraft storage; organize removal of watercraft if annual fees are not paid
  3. Submit messages and reminders for GWA News
  4. Update Members and Watercraft pages on website (or pass info to Communications lead)
  5. Assist Treasurer to prepare and distribute Charitable Donation receipts each January as required
  6. In conjunction with Fundraising, conduct membership drive to increase membership and donations
Fundraising Katherine
  1. Organize or coordinate fundraising projects as needed
  2. In conjunction with Membership, conduct membership drive to increase membership and donations



Wharf Float Lead (Tony)
  1. Oversees maintenance and construction needs of wharf and advises Project Manager and/or GWA Board
  2. Organize contractors and work parties for:
Wharf Maintenance Lead [open]
  1. Lead work party in maintenance activities as needed:
  2. Annual patio and hillside cleanup typically in spring
  3. Power washing wharf every 3-5 years
Wharf Watch Lead (Bruno)
  1. Lead work party in maintenance activities as needed:
    • annual patio and hillside cleanup
    • power washing wharf every 3-5 years

(unofficial leads appear in parenthesis)

WHarf stage 2 379

  • Past President – Bjorn Enga

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